Watahan Trading Co., Ltd. sells and imports / exports pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food ingredients, etc.

Cosmetics Dept

Blessings of Mother earth, that our ingredients come from. Be the natural beauty.

Cosmetics Department handles varieties of highly sustainable natural ingredients derived from plants, and provides environmentally friendly ingredients for cosmetics, soil improvement, and other products.
We also supply 100% natural and organic ingredients, working together to create a sustainable global environment.

We have plant-based natual ingredients for cosmetics, food, beverage, - from South America(Mexico, Chile, etc) and other countries like India, Germany, France etc.)
Our mission is to supply such varieties of natural ingredients.
We do contribute to protect the natural environment under the "protection-of-natural resources-law" of Mexico.

Handling products


Candelilla wax etc.


Jojobal,Golden Jojobal etc.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Powder etc.

IOI Oleo




Our own products

Hamamelis Water、Marula oil etc.

Agricultural and gardening materials

Peatmoss, Perlite, Vermiculite etc.


Search site for naturally derived ingredients for food and cosmetics